Under health, We have so far carried out the following projects.
The aim of this project was to reduce HIV infection and stigma against women living with HIV & AIDS using radio talk show; Road walk; IEC materials and condom demonstration (both male and female condoms). Female sex workers and lodge owners (brothels) as a key focal point for the education. Sex workers are a key population to be educated in the HIV response. The project therefore seeks to help the sex workers make shifts towards attitudes needed to reduce risk factors in HIV infection.
Project Funder: African Women Development Fund (AWDF). Project Amount: $1000
Project Objectives;
- To create awareness about the existence of HIV/AIDS virus
- To have the infected women testify to un infected ones about negative effects of living with HIV/AIDS.
- To have the affected women echo their voices towards this deadly disease.
- To let the people know how they can safe guard themselves against AIDS/HIV
- To let people know how they can live with HIV/AIDS victims without causing stigma.
- To demonstrate to the members and the community people on the use of male and female condoms.
Success of the Project
- We were able to meet with 100 sex workers and share on HIV/AIDS reduction mechanisms.
- Equally we were able to share with 5 lodge owners and agreed on how they show always make sure that condoms are freely available in the lodges.
- Supplied 2 cartons of male and female condoms to the sex workers, lodges, and to the community people.
- Radio talk shows conducted
- Road walk done by members who were joined by the community people.
- As a result, 15 sex workers decided to leave that business and link up with their parents to encage in other activities.